772-251-0886 Appointment

Apical Surgeryin Port St. Lucie, Florida

The Next Step in Saving Teeth

Apical Surgery in Port St. Lucie

Apical surgery is needed when root canal treatment is not enough to resolve the infection at the tip of a tooth's root. During apical surgery, part of the root tip is removed, and the root canal is sealed. When a root canal isn't enough to get rid of an infection in the root canal, make an appointment with Mikhail Gankin, DMD, an endodontist in Port St. Lucie, to save your tooth.

Apical Surgery Root Pain Solution

The Apex of Teeth

What is apical surgery

An apical surgery is a surgical procedure performed to treat problems with the tip of the root of a tooth, called the apex. This surgery is typically done when the tooth's root has become infected or damaged and cannot be treated with other methods, such as root canal therapy. Apical surgery is typically done by a specialist, like Dr. Gankin, an endodontist, who is highly trained in treating problems with the inside of the tooth. The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia to numb the area, and it may take several weeks to recover from the surgery fully.

Preserve and Improve

What are the benefits of apical surgery?

Apical Surgery Root Pain Solution

There are several potential benefits of apical surgery, including:

  • Elimination of infection: Apical surgery can help to remove infected or damaged tissue, which can help to eliminate the source of an infection and prevent further damage to the tooth.
  • Preserving the tooth: In some cases, apical surgery can help to preserve a tooth that may otherwise need to be extracted.
  • Improving function: After surgery, the tooth may function better, making it easier to eat and speak.
  • Improved appearance: In some cases, apical surgery can help improve the tooth's appearance by smoothing out any deformities or abnormalities at the root tip.

It's important to note that apical surgery is a complex procedure that requires a high level of skill and precision. Therefore, it should only be performed by a qualified and experienced dental professional.

Precise Examination

Your Apical Surgery Consultation

Your examination will include x-rays, 3D imagining, and other techniques to get as much information about your infected tooth as possible. Dr. Gankin prides himself on his skilled precision, attention to detail, and success in saving the natural tooth as often as possible. So schedule your appointment to ensure you are in the best hands around.

Prevent further decay

Your Apical Surgery Procedure

Apical Surgery Root Pain Solution

During an apical surgery, the gum tissue is opened to expose the tooth's root. The infected or damaged tissue is then removed, and the root tip is sealed to prevent further infection. The gum tissue is then closed with sutures, and the patient is given post-surgical instructions to help heal.

Pain Management

Apical Surgery Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from apical surgery can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case, but in general, patients can expect some swelling and discomfort after the procedure. This is normal and can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Here are a few tips for managing recovery after apical surgery:

Pain management

Take pain medication as prescribed by your dental professional to help manage any discomfort.

Swelling management

Applying a cold compress to the outside of the cheek can help to reduce swelling.


Stick to a soft food diet for the first few days after surgery to allow the area to heal. Avoid hot liquids and foods and hard, crunchy, or chewy foods.

Oral hygiene

It's crucial to maintain good oral hygiene during recovery to help prevent infection. Brush your teeth gently, and rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day.

Follow post-operative instructions

Follow your dental professional's post-operative instructions carefully to help ensure a successful recovery.

It's important to remember that every patient is different, and the recovery process can vary. If you have any concerns about your recovery, don't hesitate to contact your dental professional for guidance.

Apical Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Your normal routine should be possible again in a day or two. After two weeks, your gums should have healed; after another six months, the bone should have filled in the space where your root tip used to be.

Sutures are used to stop the bleeding and speed up the healing process. You must not pull your lip up or up and back to examine the stitches. After about five to ten days, the sutures will naturally disintegrate.

New Patients Welcome With Referral

Teeth problems only persist and get more painful without proper treatment. Sometimes it takes a specialist like Mikhail Gankin, DMD, to provide that relief. Dr. Gankin works in tandem with referring dentists and oral surgeons to ensure that patients get the best care in as few visits as possible. His goal is pain relief. Whether it’s a patient's teeth, insurance, or anything else that makes it difficult to get care, he will work diligently to help restore healthy smiles.

1465 NW St Lucie West Bld, Port St Lucie, FL 34986